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Bailey Gradine Project

University of Queensland – Team 6

Submission Extract: This design proposal of Bailey Gradine explores the potential of circular design for the adaptive reuse of a warehouse. This proposal aims to acquire profound knowledge from circular economy’s principles, while instigate the applicable actions from the ReSOLVE framework to inform sustainable design strategies. Furthermore, this proposal will provide knowledge for the construction process. that is, the process of “design-prefabrication/assembly-transport-installation”, designing and modelling the building components and then hand it over to the factory for processing. According to the transportation size requirements, components can be assembled in the factory into volume and hybrid forms and then bring to the site for further assembly. Finally, as a completed component, it will be hoisted to the designed position by a crane.This proposal begins with an overview of the broader concept behind the project. Thereafter, expand and connect the idea to the context of the proposal, such as social and cultural instances. Meanwhile, this proposal would examine certain prospects of the site that align to the axis of environment, transportation et cetera to provide additional parameters for the design decisions. The research part of this proposal would investigate several design disciplines that pertain to the intentions of circular economy, namely the adaptive reuse, modular treatments, prefabrication methodology, and environmental performance.