
Welcome to our resource hub!

This page is your go-to destination for staying updated on the latest information, prizes and news in innovative prefab projects. Our carefully curated collection of resources is designed to assist architects, builders, developers, and individuals interested in prefab construction. Explore our collection of handbooks, educational articles and guides for valuable information and practical support.

The Handbook

The Handbook is a project by the Modular Construction Codes Board (MCCB) to provide guidance to the industry on the design and construction of modular structures.

The aim of the Handbook is to share the experience and knowledge advances in modular manufacturing and construction for improving safety, productivity and quality in industrial practices.

It is intended that this Handbook be an evolving document, to be reviewed by a larger community of technical professionals and organizations, both in Australia and world-wide.

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ACIF Dashboard

prefabAUS members are entitled to access the ACIF Customised Forecasts Dashboard as a benefit of ACIF membership.

To become a ACIF Member hit the 'Sign Up’ button on the ACIF prefabAUS subscribers page and fill in your details to get complimentary access to the dashboard.

Once you are a member, access the dashboard and enter your subscribers login details.

This is a copyright product and only for the use of ACIF members and their members.  Access to the dashboard normally retails for $350+GST per subscriber.     

If prefabAUS members would like to purchase the Australian Construction Market Report, they can do so here.

Research Report: Homes for People

How Nordic policies can improve Australia’s housing affordability

Australia’s housing affordability crisis results from over-reliance on just two options – private home ownership and private renting. To tackle it, a wider repertoire of policies is required. Nordic nations’ widespread provision of public housing and housing co-operatives, priority for homes to live in rather than invest in, and effective reduction of homelessness, show how this can happen. Read more

Professor Andrew Scott, Dr Sidsel Grimstad, Dr Heather Holst.

Case Study: Digitalizing Construction (Deloitte)

Digitalizing the construction industry.

A case study in complex disruption. Read more

Peter Evans-Greenwood, Robert Hillard, and Peter Williams

Article: Digital Disruption Construction Technology (Deloitte)

Discover how organisations can navigate shifting relationships and unlock the potential of collaborative innovation.

How industries evolve: Interactions, not institutions, drive disruptive change Industries evolve when their participants find new and better ways to work together. How can organizations surf the wave of these shifting relationships? Read more

Practitioners Toolkit

A document library for public construction procurement.  Includes rules, guides, approved contracts, checklists and templates.

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Victoria State Government, Dept of Treasury & Finance

A Prefabrication Industry Roadmap 2023-2033

Smart Building opportunities are coming Australia’s way. This prefabrication roadmap has been developed to help Australia make the most of those opportunities and to realise the accompanying benefits. Opportunities translate into benefits through the application of strategy, policies and programs, at the level of the individual business, the broader prefabrication sector and supply chain, and governments – national, state and local.