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Dr Mark Luther

Associate Professor Dr Mark Luther is the former consortium director of MABEL (the Mobile Architecture and Built Environment Laboratory) at Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. 

Mark is a registered architect in Michigan (USA) and Victoria (Australia). Over the past decade, he has researched modular and prefabrication design systems methods, with a focus on building services. Mark has researched building performance, specifically simulation tools and measurement methods.

Currently, Mark lectures in the School of Architecture and Building at Deakin University, in graduate and undergraduate courses on lighting, acoustics and building services, as well as a course in Sustainable Future concepts.


Show me the DEMONSTRATOR! 

We view examples of gorgeous ‘Tiny House’ designs with flash interiors on YouTube with great interest. We see the steel cutting, welding, carpentry fit-out and sometimes get a side mention of a Solar PV system. There is often an indication of a shower, and in extreme cases, a toilet gets mentioned. By now, we all know what beautiful wood and clever compact design look like - but where are the real problems that need to be solved? 

Show me the SERVICES! Where is the grey or blackwater going? Do we know where the supply water is coming from? What is providing the heating, cooling, and, for that matter, electrical energy? 

What does the design require that allows it to stand independently?

Often a wood-burning stove seems to be the ‘emergency’ heating supply that we all can accept. However, is this also heating our hot water? Can we recycle the grey & black water? What is the sizing of the electrical system? The battery? How much heating/cooling do we need? 

 Perhaps these are the difficult questions? 

Therefore, we are seeking the answers through a DEMONSTRATOR.