Challenge Cup 2024 Submissions


How can “Smart” building connect communities, deliver social capital and foster positive health and well-being outcomes?

The 2024 Challenge Cup explored how “smart” building practices can be used to create an architectural intervention that supports real intergenerational connections in built environment programmes; beyond mere colocation strategies.

The challenge is to create social architecture, where the built form becomes the positive armature upon which community can be built.

The benefits of intergenerational community connection on the human condition, physical and mental health and wellbeing are well understood and supported. Evidenced not only through decades of research and well documented studies, but through lived examples in cultures around the globe.

The benefits of this intergenerational connection run in both directions, amplifying its positive contribution to the growth in social capital. How can we develop built environment programmes in the real world that remove the barriers to this growth in social capital? And how can we do this effectively and efficiently leveraging “smart” building?
